Ariel Guarco
ICA President | President of the Cooperative Confederation of the Argentine Republic (COOPERAR)
Ameya Prabhu
President of the Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC)|Founder and Managing Director of NAFA Capital Advisors Pvt. Ltd| Partner in UAP Advisors LLP
Cynthia Giagnocavo
Chairperson of ICA Committee on Cooperative Research|Cátedra (Chair) COEXPHAL-UAL, of Agriculture, Cooperative Studies and Sustainable Development, University of Almeria (Spain)
Doug O’Brien
ICA Board Member |President & CEO National Cooperative Business Association CLUSA International (NCBA CLUSA)
Francesca Ottolenghi
Chief of International Relations, Internationalization and Development Cooperation Legacoop Nazionale
Hagen Henry
Chairperson of ICA Law Committee |Adjunct Professor, Research Director at University of Helsinki
Ilcheong Yi
Senior Research Coordinator at the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)
Maria Eugenia Pérez Zea
ICA board member| Executive Director of Colombian Association of Cooperatives | Lawyer
Simel Esim
Programme Manager at the Enterprises Department of the International Labour Office
Stefania Marcone
Former member of the Boards of the ICA and Cooperatives Europe | Retired senior official of Legacoop Italy
Resource Person
Trebor Scholz
Professor at The New School in New York City | Faculty Associate at Harvard University's Berkman Klein Center | Visiting Researcher at the Berlin Social Science Center
Vandana Shiva
Environmental thinker| Activist| Philosopher of Science| Writer | Science Policy Advocate
Willy Tadjudje
Academic Researcher | Professor at the University of Yaoundé II | Chairperson and a Senior researcher at YAMDUSI Expertise