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The 4 key themes of the conference contribute in their own, unique way, to world peace, democracy, climate crisis and the need for systems change. Plenary speakers and break-out sessions together share their latest findings and insights on subject matters.

To ensure that all participants can fully engage in the conference, simultaneous translation services will be available in French, Spanish, and Hindi for all sessions.



Day 1- 25th of November
Day 2 - 26th of November
Day 3 - 27th of November
Day 4 - 28th of November
Day 5 - 29th of November
Day 6 - 30th of November
08:00 — 20:00
10:00 — 12:00
ICA Board Meeting

Invite Only

12:15 — 13:30

Invite Only

13:30 — 14:30
Accelerating towards the SDGs – #Commit2Cooperate

Invite Only

15:00 — 15:15
Assembly in Auditorium
15:15 — 17:30
Opening Ceremony

Launch of the International Year of Cooperatives and keynote speech for the theme “Cooperatives Build Prosperity for All”

17:30 — 20:00
Screening of the Movie Manthan-The Churning

Directed by : Shyam BENEGAL, produced in 1975, India.


20:00 — 22:00
Welcome Dinner
09:00 — 11:00

Enabling Policy and Entrepreneurial Environment

11:00 — 11:30
Network Break
11:30 — 13:00
Parallel Sessions on Plenary-I

4 Parallel Sessions on Enabling Policy and Entrepreneurial Environment towards building Prosperity for All


13:00 — 14:15
Lunch Break
14:15 — 14:30
Summary of Parallel Sessions I-IV
14:30 — 16:30
Plenary-II: Nurturing Purposeful Leadership

Coopathon Training. For attendees from Universities in India and registered participants of coopathon

16:30 — 17:00
Networking Break
17:00 — 18:30
Parallel Sessions on Plenary-II “Purposeful Leadership to create Prosperity for All”
18:30 — 18:45
Back to Auditorium
18:45 — 20:15
Screening “The Rochdale Pioneers”
20:15 — 22:15
08:30 — 09:00
Summary from Parallel Sessions V-VIII
09:00 — 11:00
Plenary-III: Reaffirming the Cooperative Identity

4 Parallel sessions on Reaffirming the Cooperative Identity


11:00 — 11:30
Networking Break
11:30 — 13:00
Parallel Sessions on Plenary-III “Reaffirming the Cooperative Identity to advance Prosperity for All”
13:00 — 14:15
Lunch Break
14:15 — 14:30
Summary of Parallel Sessions XIII-XVI
14:30 — 16:30
Plenary-IV Shaping the Future
16:30 — 17:00
Networking Break
17:00 — 18:30
Parallel Sessions on Plenary-IV “Shaping the Future: Towards realizing Prosperity for All in the 21st Century”
18:30 — 18:45
18:45 — 20:15
Closing and Cultural Programme
20:15 — 22:15
09:30 — 18:00
Side Events
  • Meetings/ Seminars Organised by ICA Sectors, Regions and Thematic Committees
  • Day trip to the Taj Mahal, Agra (for delegates not participating in side events and accompaning persons)
09:30 — 11:00
ICA General Assembly (Part 1)

Invitation Only

11:00 — 11:30
Coffee break
11:30 — 13:00
ICA General Assembly (Part 2)
13:00 — 14:30
14:30 — 16:00
ICA General Assembly (Part 3)
16:00 — 17:30
Closing of General Assembly and High Tea
Visit to Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal is an iconic symbol of India's rich cultural heritage and architectural excellence. Built in the 17th century, it reflects the enduring beauty of human creativity and craftsmanship. This magnificent structure inspires awe and reverence, reminding us of the lasting impact of love and dedication.

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