Wycliffe Ambetsa Oparanya
Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Cooperatives and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Development, in Kenya
Hirofumi Kobayashi
Executive Director, Institute for the Development of Agricultural Cooperation in Asia (IDACA)
Chitose Arai
Vice President of the Japanese Consumers’ Co-operative Union (JCCU) | Member of ICA Asia-Pacific Regional Board | Chairperson of ICA-AP Committee on Women
Balasubramanian (Balu) Iyer
Regional Director for the International Cooperative Alliance Asia-Pacific (ICA-AP)
Abdelfattah M. Q. Al-Shalabi
Director General of the Jordan Co-operative Corporation (JCC)
Diana Dovgan
Secretary General of European confederation of cooperatives in industry and services (CECOP) and International organization of cooperatives in industry and services (CICOPA)
Wenyan Yang
Chief of Global Dialogue for Development Branch in the Division for Inclusive Social Development of UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Chiara Carini
Senior Researcher at the European Research Institute on Cooperative and Social Enterprises (EURICSE, Italy)
Gianluca Salvatori
Secretary General of the European Research Institute on Cooperative and Social Enterprises (EURICSE, Italy)
Ibon Zugasti
International Manager at LKS (Consulting Division of MONDRAGON Corporation) | Deputy Director of the Millennium Project Global Futures Think Tank
Iñigo Albizuri
Global Head of Public Affairs at MONDRAGON Corporation | President at CICOPA | President MUNDUKIDE | ICA Board member ( representing Spain)
Bhima Subrahmanyam
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Managing Director of NAFSCOB | President of ICBA
LuAnn Werner
Deputy Executive Director of the US Overseas Cooperative Development Council (OCDC)
Aicha Belassir
Director-General for the Social Economy and Corporate Social Responsibility
Christine M Merkel
International Expert | Senior Adviser | Member of UNESCO_EU Expert Facility Creative Economy and Cultural Policies
Fredrick O. Wanyama
Professor of Political Science at Maseno University | Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic, Research and Student Affairs at Kisii University, Kenya
Alexandre Gatti Lages
Superintendent of the Organization of the Cooperatives of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Cécile Berranger
Rural Institutions and Services Specialist, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Ana Aguirre
Co-founder and worker owner at TAZEBAEZ S.Coop | Global Youth President in the International Cooperative Alliance
Patrick Kilemi
Principal Secretary of State Department of Co-operatives Ministry of Co-operatives & MSMEs Development
Cynthia Giagnocavo
Chairperson of ICA Committee on Cooperative Research|Cátedra (Chair) COEXPHAL-UAL, of Agriculture, Cooperative Studies and Sustainable Development, University of Almeria (Spain)
Maria Eugenia Pérez Zea
ICA board member| Executive Director of Colombian Association of Cooperatives | Lawyer
Ameya Prabhu
President of the Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC)|Founder and Managing Director of NAFA Capital Advisors Pvt. Ltd| Partner in UAP Advisors LLP
Simel Esim
Programme Manager at the Enterprises Department of the International Labour Office
Vandana Shiva
Environmental thinker| Activist| Philosopher of Science| Writer | Science Policy Advocate
Ariel Guarco
ICA President | President of the Cooperative Confederation of the Argentine Republic (COOPERAR)
Francesca Ottolenghi
Chief of International Relations, Internationalization and Development Cooperation Legacoop Nazionale
Hagen Henry
Chairperson of ICA Law Committee |Adjunct Professor, Research Director at University of Helsinki
Stefania Marcone
Former member of the Boards of the ICA and Cooperatives Europe | Retired senior official of Legacoop Italy
Resource Person
Doug O’Brien
ICA Board Member |President & CEO National Cooperative Business Association CLUSA International (NCBA CLUSA)
Willy Tadjudje
Academic Researcher | Professor at the University of Yaoundé II | Chairperson and a Senior researcher at YAMDUSI Expertise
Ali Agha Mohammadi
Vice Minister of Interior and Secretary of the Office for Empowering Underprivileged Neighborhoods in Iran
Hiroshi Inamura
Managing Director of the Japanese mutual aid insurer, Kokumin Kyosai co-op (KKC)
Osamu Nakano
Chairperson of CICOPA Asia and Pacific, Vice President of CICOPA Secretary General, Board Member and Director of International Relations of Japan Workers’ Co-operative Union (JWCU)
Giuseppe Guerini
President of CECOP-CICOPA Europa the European Confederation of Industrial Cooperatives and Social Cooperatives
Ilcheong Yi
Senior Research Coordinator at the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)
Trebor Scholz
Professor at The New School in New York City | Faculty Associate at Harvard University's Berkman Klein Center | Visiting Researcher at the Berlin Social Science Center
Isaac K. Nyamongo
Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academics, Cooperative Development, Research and Innovation) at the Cooperative University of Kenya
Puvan J Selvanathan
Human Rights, Sustainability, ESG and SDGs Expert, leading global thinking on Digital Identity and Data Property Rights for workers, farmers and consumers for equity in the Digital Economy.